2012 (2009)

  • 2012 (2009)

    2012 |DVDRip| 500 Mb

    Best film of 2009. The most sensational and stunning film. Nomenant on Oscar in 2009 in 14 out of 15 nominations. Exceptional quality. Best special effects in format 3D. This movie still has not been removed.

    Scientists studying the prophecies of the Maya, were able to overcome the transcript in front of them opened approximating the death of all life on the planet, many did not heed the danger. And it was not long in coming, major earthquake, tsunami, thunderstorms, and meteorites are all in a moment struck the planet, people in panic, because the state with his forces can not protect them from danger, the world has lost its usual beauty, death and destruction everywhere, and only some people are trying to break through to a safe place, and where it is safe, when it seems the Lord himself had forgotten about the planet?

    2012 (2009)
    2012 (2009)

    Cast: John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Idzhiofor, Danny Glover, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt

    Genre: Fiction 2009.
    The shooting brought the territory: the U.S. and Canada
    Duration: 01:50:20 (1 hour and 50 minutes and 20 seconds)
    The quality of the stream: DVDRip
    Size: 500 Mb


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