The Bounty Hunter (2010/PC/ENG)

The Bounty Hunter (2010/PC/ENG)

The Bounty Hunter |DVDRip| 700 MB

Everyone earns, as he can. For example, a former police officer Milo, engages in conduct that is looking for fugitives. Such as it is called - "bounty hunter".

Milo gets the job to find and convey Justice Journalist Cassidy, escaped from under the mortgage. Looks uliznuvshuyu lady and her friend - the journalist Stewart, who naively believes himself her lover. However, the irony in the fact that runaway - the former wife of Milo!

The  Bounty Hunter (2010/PC/ENG)
The  Bounty Hunter (2010/PC/ENG)

Issued: Madhouse Entertainment, Original Films, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)
Duration: 00:02:33

Original title: The Bounty Hunter
Released: 2010
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Director: Andy Tennant
Cast: Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Baranski, Jason Sudeykis, Natalie Morales, Cathy Moriarty, Shawan Fallon, Liam Ferguson, Dorian Missik, Ruby Feliciano



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